We got the plans from John this morning and they are perfect. It is so strange for the phase of this to finally be over. We are happy beyond belief to have them done. LeAnne is really pissed at me for asking for more room on the second floor for some reason- she thought it was fine as is, but the space is so cheap up there now that we're going to rafter the roof.
Here they are in all there glory:

And the elevation:

I'm going to work on the elevation tonight. Our previous house had clapboard siding and shakes on the top so I'll probably want to do something different. I'm real partial to board and batten siding now.
This afternoon, I took one more look at a couple of our 3 favorite lots, and think I've decided to press on with the Masters Lane lot, no matter the price. The Warlick lot is actually more expensive per acre than the Masters Lane so that made me decide to go ahead an try to make something work on the Masters Lane property.
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